Our mission is to link and connect individuals with developmental disabilities to resources and services in their communities.
Attended multiple Chamber Events throughout the year. Participated in Festivals, School Events, and Chili Cookoff. Increased presence on Social Media. Participated in career fairs.
Increased caseloads up to 35 consumer served per Service Coordinator.
Updated and enhanced current individualized Support Plans. Attorney revised Employee Handbook. Outsourced policy and procedural reviews and revision to ensure HR Compliance. Amended board bylaws.
Implemented cost cutting measures by increasing caseloads to 35 and eliminating unfilled positions.
2025 GOALS
- Maintain awareness of LinkAbility Service Coordination and spread awareness of LinkAbility Childcare Center in the community through social media, career fairs, community engagements, presentations, Chamber events, provider relations, and school partnerships.
- Increase presence in Ozark County.
- Maintain caseloads of minimum of 35 consumers served per Service Coordinator.
- Serve up to 99 children in the Childcare Facility.
- Quarterly informational workshops for consumers and their families.
- Increase consumer referrals for service coordination by a minimum of 15%.
- Open Childcare facility by March 1st, 2025.
- Enroll a minimum of 30 children in childcare services in the first month of operation, and then increase by 20% each month until we reach full capacity of 99 children.
- Establish a partnership to purchase 1 van to transport service coordination consumers to and from work.
- Apply for a minimum of 3 grants to enhance consumer services.
- Hold fall fundraising event to promote transportation services.
- Perform a community needs assessment to determine areas for potential financial growth.