LinkAbility Family Report & Resources
What can LinkAbility Offer?
LinkAbility is a Targeted Case Management provider for a variety of developmental disability services. We offer case management for Medicaid Waivers, Case Management Only (CMO), and South West Missouri Autism Project (SWMAP). Your Service Coordinator can offer advocacy services or referrals to specialized advocacy services for children in the school system through assistance with navigating IEP’s (Individualized Education Plans) or 504 plans. Service Coordinators assist consumers who need local or
“grassroots” resources that are free or low cost within the local community. We also can provide funding options each month while funds allow.
Impact Snapshot
What can my service coordinator help with?
Applying for waiver- based services through a Medicaid Waiver
Applying for SWMAP services to assist with Autism related services
Finding local resources specific to your disability
Scheduling Medicaid required assessments
Advocacy in relation to your disability
Attending IEP & 504 meetings to assist in understanding
What can my service coordinator not help with.
Filing out SSI, SSA, or Medicaid applications
Any direct support service for example: scheduling doctors’ appointments,
Medicaid or SSI appointments, etc.
What is a Home Modification or EAA?
Physical adaptations required by the ISP, which are necessary to ensure the health, welfare and safety of the individual, or which enable the individual to function with greater independence in the community and, without which, the individual would require institutionalization. Such adaptations may include the installation of ramps and grab- bars, widening of doorways, modification of bathroom facilities or installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems which are necessary to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies which are necessary for the welfare of the individual, but shall exclude adaptations or improvements to the home which are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the waiver individual, such as carpeting, roof repair, central air conditioning, etc.
Adaptations that add to the total square footage of the home are excluded from this benefit except when necessary to complete an adaptation. Adaptations may be approved for living arrangements (houses, apartments, etc.) where the individual lives, owned or leased by the individual, their family or legal guardian. These modifications can also be to the individual’s vehicle. Home accessibility adaptations may not be furnished to adapt living arrangements that are owned or leased by providers of waiver services. Vehicle accessibility adaptations may not be furnished to adapt vehicles that owned or leased by providers of waiver services.
What is Excluded from a Home or Vehicle Modification?
Adaptations or improvements to the vehicle that are of a general utility and are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the individual. Purchase or lease of a vehicle. Regularly scheduled upkeep and maintenance of a vehicle except upkeep and maintenance of a modification funded by this waiver service. However, the service can be used toward the purchase of the existing adaptations in a pre-owned vehicle. In these instances, the contracted dealership/vendor must be paid directly by the state. The individual will not receive any MHD funding to make the purchase. The dealership/vendor must provide an invoice/purchase order that only includes the vehicle adaptions and not the vehicle. The price of the adaption must be comparable to market value and shall not include any labor.
Contractor Requirements:
An EAA contractor must have a current DMH contract, a valid business license and be qualified to provide the EAA service as described in the service definition, as well as provide evidence they are qualified to meet all applicable state and local building codes and construction standards. For vehicle modifications, a qualified provider is a contracted agency possessing a DMH contract and a current valid business license, as well as providing evidence that they are qualified with technical training/certification to meet all required safety and construction standards associated with vehicle modifications.
Link Ability
Start to Finish: What is the process?

Parent Class Home Modifications
Join us to learn about the process of a Home Modification through your Medicaid Waiver! Kelsey Blanchard, Senior Service Coordinator with LinkAbility, will walk you through the process, requirements, and answer questions!

Kelsey Blanchard
Senior Service Coordinator
Join Us for this Training:
01/14/2025 6 pm-7:30pm
162 Industrial Park Dr, Ste D
Hollister, MO 65672